
Together for a better VET! is a project that assumes a partnership of five institutions:
Zespol Szkol Ponadpodstawowych in Bystrzyca Klodzka (Poland)
Elektroniczne Zaklady Naukowe (Poland)
Asociacion Mundus – Un Munds a Tus Pies (Spain)
Sun Dreams Global (Canary Islands, Spain)
Istituto per la Formazione, l’Occupazione e la Mobilità (Italy)
The first two are technical schools and the other three are intermediary and host organizations for VET apprentices.
Each partner was selected for its unique experience in the VET sector. Below you will find more information about each of the organizations.

Zespol Szkol Ponadpodstawowych in Bystrzyca Klodzka (ZSP) is the only institution in the area of the communes of Bystrzyca Kłodzka, Międzylesie, and Lądek Zdrój, enabling students to gain a future-oriented profession. The school has over 50 years of tradition of vocational education, in particular in economics and IT. The team includes a technical school, a 1st degree industry school and a post-secondary school. The technical school provides education in a 4-year cycle for junior high school graduates and a 5-year cycle for primary school graduates in the following professions: IT technician, tradesman and forester. The industry school is dominated by the following occupations: car mechanic, cook, builder and fitter of finishing works in construction, hairdresser, baker, locksmith, electrician.
Teaching staff
All of them have the required qualifications, are experienced and committed educators. We have a well-prepared pedagogical staff that allows you to acquire various specializations in the field of professional subjects - especially economic and commercial and IT. Currently, we are an examination center for the following professions: IT technician, sales technician, accounting technician, economist technician. Many teachers have the status of examiners granted by the District Examination Board in Wrocław. The staff of the ZSP is well prepared for work, and its education and experience result in pedagogical successes. The school staff consists of a team of teachers who are innovative towards the adopted development assumptions and willing to improve their professional qualifications. Implementation of modern teaching methods enabling students to move independently on the labor market and the ability to solve problems are the most important goals in striving to improve the quality of school work.

Elektroniczne Zaklady Naukowe in Wroclaw (EZN) is a secondary school, the main core of which is the Technical School no 10. We are the oldest school in Wrocław educating electronics and computer scientists. In addition, we also educate electronics and automation technicians, mechatronics. It has over 800 students aged 14-19. The school employs 105 teaching staff and administration and service staff, of which 74 full-time teaching staff and 14 administration and service staff. The EZN staff consists of a team of educators with extensive experience and high qualifications. Most of them are appointed and certified teachers who are qualified as examiners in their fields. To ensure the proper quality of education, we analyze and adapt the teaching content, modify curricula, and conduct apprenticeships in cooperation with Wrocław-based companies. We provide vocational education based on our own didactic base and the Vocational Training Center. We have seven computer and two electronic laboratories. As part of the Local Academy of the CISCO Network, which operates at the school, we conduct preparation courses for the CCNA certificate exams. We are also popular due to the friendly atmosphere, attractiveness of school life, a wide range of extracurricular activities and the safety of students.
The strong point of the school is the high EWD rate in terms of passing the matura exams, the school has the status of the "Golden School" in the ranking of the PERSPEKTYWY weekly. Students achieve significant successes in competitions and subject olympiads. Extracurricular activities organized at the school take into account the individualization of work with students, the development of passions and interests in many areas. The school cooperates with universities, institutions supporting the educational and educational activities of the institution and employers. Teachers have experience in implementing educational projects, also co-financed from EU funds. Teachers cooperate with the District Examination Board, both in the field of matriculation and vocational exams.
The school's motto is: "We can combine tradition with modernity".

IFOM (Institute for Training, Employment and Learning Mobility) is a Vocational Education and Training (VET) center that strongly believes in and supports work-based learning, mobile learning, apprenticeships and vocational training at both local and European levels.
Our aim is to support the improvement of quality and excellence in education and training, while enhancing employability, focusing especially on those who are less likely to find a job. We use training and mobility as tools to increase employability and reduce the skills gap between education and the labor market.
IFOM is active both regionally and internationally, working with like-minded organizations to support youth employability and improve the quality of education and training by developing innovative learning pathways and methods and implementing learning mobility programmes. In particular, IFOM cooperates with the non-profit organization YouNet, with which it develops learning mobility projects under European programs such as Erasmus+ and the European Social Fund.
IFOM creates apprenticeship and internship programmes, focusing in particular on young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) and vocational students. We organize high-quality and tailored work experiences for students, students from other Italian and European institutions and for NEETs. IFOM supports the European Alliance for Apprenticeships in its mission to promote apprenticeship schemes and initiatives across Europe.

Sun Dreams Global SL is an organization born from the sum of skills and experience gained over the last 3 years in the field of application, management and implementation of European projects in the field of education. The organization is headquartered in the Canary Islands, with headquarters in Fuerteventura, Spain. The core activity of the organization is the management and coordination of mobility in Europe; organizing apprenticeships in accordance with the expectations of schools and students; providing high-quality companies that can offer experience at a level appropriate to the requirements of the curricula, offering the services necessary to organize and develop professional mobility with great success;
The mission at SUN DREAMS GLOBAL is to help young people on professional mobility live their personal and professional experience to meet the real challenges of working life, where the value of recruitment is rapidly shifting from content to skills such as adaptability to change, teamwork, self-management and leadership, financial and personal self-control, and the possibility of self-development.
SUN DREAMS GLOBAL offers professional apprenticeships in many industries, including: tourism, hotel and gastronomy; mechanics, electricity, logistics, agriculture and agricultural industry, construction, IT, finance and accounting, graphic design, marketing and communication, health care and social assistance.

Asociación Mundus is a non-profit organization founded in 2013 and based in Zaragoza and Santa Coloma de Gramenet (Barcelona). Its mission is to promote education, volunteering, intercultural learning and lifelong learning in non-formal education to support a more inclusive, diverse and informed society. Its main task is to manage international mobility projects for learning purposes – work internships, volunteering, youth exchanges, training courses and strategic projects- for youngsters and professionals.
Asociación Mundus has implemented several projects, e.g. under the Erasmus+ programme, the European Social Fund, Europe for Citizens and PON. As such, the association has extensive experience in coordinating and implementing active citizenship and youth empowerment projects, mobility projects (EVS/CES, Youth Exchanges, Youth Worker Mobility, KA2…) as well as Erasmus+ VET projects (both hosting and sending ). organization).

Project Together for a better VET! is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
© Copyright 2020-2022 Zespol Szkol Ponadpodstawowych in Bystrzyca Klodzka